CAD Guide V2 - How to create a CAD file for Deep Maps

We have created this document to assist you in delivering your CAD data (DWG; DXF) to Heidelberg Mobil. In order to ensure your CAD data can be successfully processed, it must meet certain quality requirements. This guide provides a quick, step-by-step process for creating suitable CAD data.

Step 1: Determine what the map will show

When you send us overloaded files, we need to understand your data first. This means that expenses can rise disproportionately. Therefore, take the time to think about what objects and areas should be on the map.

There can be for example:

  • booths

  • rooms

  • meeting rooms

  • facilities

  • special areas

  • etc.

Step 2: Create New Layers

In order to identify the necessary features, please add layers with the prefix HDMI_ to your CAD Plan. Each feature type must have at least two layers: the geometry and a number or text layer. A third layer could contain optional information, such as the text of the geometry.

Please use the following naming convention for layers:

Mandatory Layers:

Layer Content

Layer Name

Building outline


In case details such as aisles and corridors should appear on the map


Meeting room geometries


Text to appear as label on a meeting room


Number to appear as label on a meeting room


Booth geometries


Text to appear as label on a booth


Number to appear as label on a booth


Outer geometries of staircases, washrooms


Place facility icons (staircases, washrooms, entrances etc.) as text.

Please make sure to place the anchor point where the icon should appear on the map.


Special areas for events


Text to appear as label on a special area


Step 3: Draw Geometries

For each feature that should be shown on the map, a geometry is needed. Therefore, please draw a closed polyline, such as a rectangle, around every feature (illustrated below). You can determine if a polyline is closed by selecting it and ensuring all line segments are connected.


Step 4: Name/Number the geometries

Each geometry needs to be identified by a unique name or number. The name/number has to be a Text object. A Text object within a CAD file is aligned by its anchor point (illustrated below). To guarantee that the geometry and the name/number can be matched, please make sure that the anchor point of the text object lies within the geometry. On the map the name can be used as maplabel and the number as unique identifier of the geometrie.

Furthermore, line breaks and special characters are not allowed.


Step 5: Send the files to Heidelberg Mobile

We will validate your created CAD data and design your map.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What needs to be taken out of the CAD file?
A: Architectural indications, such as fire extinguishers, cables, electronic devices/installations, legends, etc.
Q: Do I need to include colouring/styling information in the CAD file? Should I apply colour or unique symbology to specific elements?
A: No, this is not necessary. Colour and styling information will not be imported from the CAD file. This will be added based on a separate Style Guide.
Q: Should booth numbers or booth names be used as a booth label?
A: Either option is possible. Booth numbers are typically used as booth labels, as they can be easily read. Long text can be difficult to read, particularly if the label is oriented vertically. Important: the label you choose will serve as the unique ID.
Q: Why don’t the booth ids within the Deep Map™ match with my data feed?
A: Please make sure that the ids of the CAD files and your data feed are on the same level.