Route calculation and navigation

In this tutorial, we will take a look at basic routing features. For this we use our previously created MyMapFragment class.

The objective here is to create a routing line from a given start location to a given end location. Our two tap callback methods onSingleTap and onLongPress work just fine for that:


public class MyMapFragment extends MapFragment implements MapView.TapDelegate {

    private HDMVec3 startCoordinate = null;
    private Annotation endAnnotation = null;

    public void onSingleTap(List<HDMFeature> features, HDMVec3 tapCoordinateWGS84) {
        if(endAnnotation != null){
        endAnnotation = new Annotation("end", tapCoordinateWGS84.getX(), tapCoordinateWGS84.getY(), tapCoordinateWGS84.getZ());
        if(startCoordinate != null){
            HDMRoutingPathFeature routingFeature = mapView.CalculateRouteBetweenPoints(startCoordinate, tapCoordinateWGS84);
            mapView.navigateWithPath(routingFeature, MapView.HDMUserTrackingMode.HDMUserTrackingModeNone);

    public void onLongPress(List<HDMFeature> features, HDMVec3 tapCoordinateWGS84) {
        startCoordinate = tapCoordinateWGS84;
        //clear and add annotation
        Annotation annotation = new Annotation("start", tapCoordinateWGS84.getX(), tapCoordinateWGS84.getY(), tapCoordinateWGS84.getZ());


We’re also adding annotations for the start and end points of our route!

That’s it! A user can now define a route by holding their finger down on one location, then single-tapping on another destination.
